Monday, February 22, 2021

Also/Too: Sinhala Grammar #45


Today we will learn about the idea of ‘also’ or ‘too’. Let’s jump in with the first example.

I am going to the store. Akka (older sister) is coming too. 

Mama kadeta yanawaa. Akkath ennawa.

මම කඩේට යනවා. අක්කත් යනවා.

In order to express this idea, you would need to add -th to the subject in the sentence.

‘Akka’ is the subject, so we would put the -th sound at the end of ‘akka’.

This concept works similarly for talking about an additional action that is occurring or

will occur.

When we go to Paris, I want to go to the Eiffel Tower. I want to eat French bread too.

Api pærisiyata yanakota mata ayifal kulunata yanna one. matath pransha paan kanna one.

අපි පැරිසියට යනකොට මට අයිෆල් කුළුණට යන්න ඕනේ. මටත් ප්‍රංශ පාන් කන්න ඕනේ. 

This concept is slightly different when talking about nouns that are loan words from other


Take a picture with a camera. Use the phone too.

Kæmaraava *samanga pinthurayak ganna. Fon ehekuth pavichi karanna.

කැමරාව සමඟ පින්තූරයක් ගන්න. ෆෝන් එහෙකුත් පාවිචි කරන්න.

*Samanga is a formal version of the grammar concept of -thin/in

 Instead of using -th, you would combine eka and -th to form -ehekuth.

That’s it for this lesson! If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them

down below. Stay tuned for the next lesson on March 8th. Thank you for reading!

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