Monday, April 13, 2020

Weekly Discussion #1: Entertainment in Sinhala


I hope everyone is doing well! Today's discussion will be about immersion
material used to become more familiar with Sinhala. Unfortunately, I don't
immerse myself in Sinhala as much as I probably should, but I mainly watch
Youtube, so I try to find material there.

An easy way to find more Sinhala content on Youtube is by changing the
location setting on your Youtube channel to Sri Lanka. I got this idea from the
Youtube channel Matt vs. Japan. I really like doing this because it's a good way
 to understand how Sri Lankan people think.

 Do you guys like watching Sinhala teledramas or listening to Sinhala music.
I would love to know what kinds of things interest you. Maybe we can even help
 recommend things to each other, so feel free to leave comments on this post!

Thank you!

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