Today we will be learning about how to express multiple actions
that were done in a specific order. Let’s jump right into it!
Let’s talk about this concept through the context of explaining your
morning routine. This is what you might want to express in English:
I wake/woke up, change/changed my clothes, brush/brushed my teeth,
eat/ate breakfast, and then leave for school.
In Sinhala, you would say:
Mama nakitalaa, ædhum maru karalaa, dath madhaelaa, kǣma kalaa, iskole yannawa.
මම නකිටලා, ඇඳුම් මාරු කරලා, දත් මැදලා, කෑම කාලා, ඉස්කෝලේ යන්නවා.
The reason we use -la was a little difficult for me to understand, but I’ll try my best to
explain it. In this sentence, we are giving a general statement about our morning
routine. However, a version of the past tense, the -la form must be used. The
-laa form talks about an action that isn’t yet completed being completed. The
-raa form talks about an action that is already completed.
We don’t really have an equivalent for this in English, but try to think about it
this way. Make sure to always end this type of sentence with the present tense
form of the verb, as you are explaining the list of events that leads up to that moment.
Once I have done my work, I will play with you.
In this case, we would use ‘vaeda karala/ වැඩ කරලා,’
On the other hand, there is this sentence:
I did work at home.
In this case we would use ‘vaeda kara වැඩ කරා,’
You would use the same sentence structure to tell someone your plans for the future:
I’ll come home, do some work, make some food, and then go to sleep.
Mama gedara avillaa, vædha karalaa, kǣma hadhaelaa, nidhagannawa.
මම ගෙදර ඇවිල්ලා, වැඩ කරලා, කෑම හැදලා, නිදගන්නවා.
That’s all for this lesson! Thank you so much for reading and make sure to
stay tuned for the next lesson on March 16th. Feel free to leave any questions or comments you may have down below.