Sunday, December 29, 2019

Sinhala Grammar #21: Becoming


Welcome to the last lesson of the year! Today will be a short lesson about 
expressing things in a state of change. I think this is pretty relevant as we 
approach the new year. 

When trying to express these ideas, we must remember two things: the adjective 
and the verb. In both the present and the past tense, the adjective is used without the
 -yi sound at the end. 

As for the verb, there is venawaa when talking about a change happening in the
 present tense and and vuna in the past tense.

Let’s look at some example sentences.

Present Tense 

Mama nidimatha venawaa.
මම නිධිමත වෙනවා.
I am becoming sleepy.

The adjective in this sentence is nidhimathayi, but we removed the -yi  sound to 
create nidimatha.

E gasa ousa venawaa.
ඒ ගස උසය වෙනවා.
That tree is becoming  tall.

Past Tense

Mama iye asanipa vuna. 
මම ඊයේ අසනීප වුණා.
I became sick yesterday.

Oya mata vadaa  ousa  vuna. 
ඔය මට වඩා උසය වුණා.
You have become/gotten taller than me.

That’s all for this lesson! As always feel free to comment if you have any 
questions or remarks. Thank you for reading and look forward to another post
 on January 6th!

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